Andrew Futter
Information and contact details for Professor Andrew Futter, Professor of International Politics at the University of Leicester.
Embedded Systems and IoT
Module code: EG2231 Embedded systems act as the core components for most of the electronics devices in our modern world, from laptops and mobile phones to spacecrafts and satellites, which enable the path towards the Internet of Thing (IoT).
Intelligence and Security
Module code: PL7504 The events of 9/11 and the subsequent ‘war on terror’ have made intelligence more central to the study of politics and international relations than at any time previously, reviving old debates and generating new ones.
Intelligence Techniques and Tradecraft
Module code: PL7541 This module is divided into two sections. In the first section you'll look at the main methods by which intelligence is collected – open sources, human sources, and signals intelligence – to understand the capabilities and limitations of each.
Foreign Policy Analysis
Module code: PL2019 By most accounts, the United States is the sole remaining superpower, and its foreign policy plays a major role in the politics and international relations of arguably every other nation on Earth.
Module code: CR2002 Cybercrime is a fast-growing phenomenon – more and more criminals are exploiting the speed, convenience and anonymity of the internet to commit a diverse range of criminal activities.
System Re-Engineering
Module code: CO4206 Software ages over time. All software is susceptible to failing after continuous running, requiring the need for software re-engineering. Some software publishers prevent this problem by continuously rolling out updates – think of Microsoft Windows or macOS.
Body Systems and Applied Medical and Biological Sciences 3
Module code: BS2082 This blended module, taken in Year 2, covers to further body systems but also continues teaching within the Scientific Method stream of the course, which again runs throughout Year 2: Head, neck, and neuroanatomy Reproductive System Introduction to...
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