
13310 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • College of Science and Engineering

    School and study School and study Engineering students studying 150 Meet the team who work in the College of Science and engineering People Research Research Lady standing in lab doing research 50 News News man reading the news on a tablet pc 0 Industrial Placements...

  • Project team

    The Insular Manuscripts team of academics based in the UK at the British Library and University of Leicester, France, Ireland, and Austria.

  • David Mattingly

    The academic profile of Professor David Mattingly, Professor of Roman Archaeology at University of Leicester

  • Simon Gay

    The academic profile of Professor Simon Gay, Professor of Medical Education (Primary Care) at University of Leicester

  • Dissertation

    Module code: HA7200 The dissertation is central to your degree. It is the culmination of your studies, enabling you to put into practice what you have learnt from the modules you take earlier in your course. It allows you to research and write on a topic of your choice.

  • International Business

    Module code: MN7406 In this module you'll study a variety of ecological, geographic, historical, sociological and political economic factors shaping the dynamics of contemporary practices of international business.

  • Holistic Assessment and Recognition of Health and Social Care Needs in Adult Nursing

    Module code: NU2012 We will look at the assessment and recognition of common presenting conditions in adult health – such as diabetes, asthma, heart failure etc.

  • Holistic Assessment and Recognition of Health and Social Care in Adult Nursing

    Module code: NU2002 We will look at the assessment and recognition of common presenting conditions in adult health – such as diabetes, asthma, heart failure etc.

  • Leadership and Project Management

    Module code: EG4009 A big difference between our BEng and MEng programmes is that the MEng gives you experience of leading teams, not simply managing your own work.

  • The Politics of Intelligence

    Module code: PL3119 The act of gathering intelligence is one of the most important for any political administration, particularly at states of war or tension.

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