
13342 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • Research shows national parliaments in the UK and the Netherlands host highest number of MPs of immigrant origin

    Key research findings about the political representation of citizens of immigrant origin (IO) in European national parliaments have been announced at an event in central London on Monday 15 February.

  • Introducing oral history

    Oral history provides a rich seam of material that gives an insight into the lives of ordinary people in the past: their home lives, working lives, social lives and family lives.

  • The future of the media in the wake of Trump and Brexit

    What has been the impact of President Trump? What will be the impact of Brexit? Those are two of the biggest questions being addressed by leading journalists and academics at a conference at Leicester on Wednesday 21 February.

  • Dr Primrose Freestone

    Find out more about Dr Primrose Freestone, alumna of the University of Leicester Department of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation. She has been at Leicester University since an undergraduate student and is an Associate Professor in Clinical Microbiology and Inventor.

  • Study spaces

    You don't have to go to campus to study, but you don't have to stay in your room either. There are social study spaces and common rooms in each hall, as well as a couple of dedicated spaces in The Village.

  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

    COPD is a progressive-obstructive disease that is not completely reversible and is predominantly caused by smoking. COPD is characterised by intermittent flare-ups that commonly lead to bacterial infections. Emphysema and chronic bronchitis are both features of COPD. Asthma.

  • Scientists hail final flyby for Mercury mission with Leicester technology

    Scientists who led instrument for the BepiColombo spacecraft comment as it makes final flyby at Mercury

  • CPD Pharmacist Independent Prescribing

    Develop your pharmacy career by becoming an Independent Prescriber and make a positive impact on patient care.

  • Guest Post: Leadership Is Vital … Especially for Medical Students

    Posted by Nate in Medical Leadership in the Foundations on November 26, 2018   Neil Calderwood is a final year medical student at Brighton and Sussex Medical School.

  • Cross-Post: Why we must reform organ donation

    Posted by Nate in Medical Leadership in the Foundations on August 30, 2018   Organ Donation in England is changing. Accountability for health policy leaders is important, especially when politicians score headlines for healthcare interventions without an evidence-base.

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