
10574 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • Respiratory and Cancer Precision Medicine

    Module code: BS3083 The second precision medicine module will continue the consideration of current cutting-edge topics in the clinical sciences arena: Respiratory Precision Medicine This part of the module will include: The molecular and cellular basis of respiratory...

  • Respiratory and Cancer Precision Medicine

    Module code: BS3083 The second precision medicine module will continue the consideration of current cutting-edge topics in the clinical sciences arena: Respiratory Precision Medicine This part of the module will include: The molecular and cellular basis of respiratory...

  • Metals in Synthesis

    Module code: CH3205 The key to efficient and sustainable synthetic methods is to minimise energy use and maximise reaction selectivity.

  • Polymer and Materials Chemistry

    Module code: CH2207 Why is your frying pan non-stick? What makes a bulletproof vest bulletproof? What links the frame of a Glock pistol with a pack of tights? Teflon, Kevlar and Nylon; materials and polymers created through material chemistry, which is the design and...

  • Introductory Chemistry Practical

    Module code: CH0062 Chemistry is an experimental science and you'll be taking part in many practical experiments during your undergraduate study.

  • Respiratory and Cancer Precision Medicine

    Module code: BS3083 The second precision medicine module will continue the consideration of current cutting-edge topics in the clinical sciences arena: Respiratory Precision Medicine This part of the module will include: The molecular and cellular basis of respiratory...

  • Polymer and Materials Chemistry

    Module code: CH2207 Why is your frying pan non-stick? What makes a bulletproof vest bulletproof? What links the frame of a Glock pistol with a pack of tights? Teflon, Kevlar and Nylon; materials and polymers created through material chemistry, which is the design and...

  • Introductory Chemistry Practical

    Module code: CH0062 Chemistry is an experimental science and you'll be taking part in many practical experiments during your undergraduate study.

  • Metals in Synthesis

    Module code: CH3205 The key to efficient and sustainable synthetic methods is to minimise energy use and maximise reaction selectivity.

  • Senate regulation 3: Regulations governing fees

    Downloadable version of Senate Regulation 3 (PDF, 229KB) General 3.1 These regulations apply to all students registered at the University on a taught programme of study, and to associate students registered on one or more modules.

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