
10272 results for: ‘global learning outcomes’

  • Radio Leicester and the University of Leicester 50 Years of Collaboration

    The recent 50th anniversary of the start of the country’s first BBC local radio station, BBC Radio Leicester, which launched on 8 November 1967, also marks the 50th anniversary of the University of Leicester’s ongoing collaboration with Radio Leicester.

  • Colourful craters and insights into Mercury’s mysterious surface showcased by Leicester scientists

    University of Leicester researchers involved in upcoming BepiColombo mission to Mercury will be presenting at New Scientist Live 2018.

  • New Innovation Hub at our University

    A multi-million pound centre to foster and accelerate the next generation of innovators and innovations is being established in Leicester at our University. The Leicester Innovation Hub, a £5.

  • Associate members of Court

    Browse the list of Associate members of Court, including Emeritus Professors, societies and bodies, and other persons serving in a personal capacity.

  • More on overtime

    Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on May 24, 2019 How much overtime do British workers do? The Office for National Statistics has  Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) .

  • Scientists observe galaxy ‘stealing material’ to feed black hole

    An image of the 20-arcsec square region around W2246 An image of the 20-arcsec square region around W2246 - about 1/100 of the diameter of the full moon. The black contour lines show the ALMA data, while the orange greyscale shows the Hubble Space Telescope image.

  • jcromby

    I am interested in how experience arises when bodies and social influences come together: this, it seems to me, is the very stuff of psychology.

  • Prof. Anu Ojha and the Space Industry – National Space Centre Live Q&A

    Posted by Physics & Astronomy in Physics and Astronomy Blog on February 24, 2021 Join the National Space Centre online for a future space and careers LIVE Q&A with Professor Anu Ojha OBE, this Friday 26 February 19:00-20:00.

  • Vile Bodies: The photograph! The painting! The half-finished book!

    A biographical article by Duncan McClaren on Waugh's first marriage and the writing of Vile Bodies.

  • Hospital acquired infections

    Nosocomial (hospital acquired) infections are associated with antibiotic resistance, and lead to unnecessary hospital admissions.

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