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University recognises human rights campaigner
Our University has recognised the outstanding contribution of one of its alumni to exposing and protecting against human rights abuses worldwide.
Research to explore socioeconomic rights and global justice movements
Joe Wills (pictured) from our School of Law is to publish a new book investigating socioeconomic rights and global justice movements on Thursday...
Leicester geneticists involved in research into the UKs leading cause of food poisoning
Geneticists at the University are involved in new research, led by the University of Liverpool, which reveals that the immune response of farmed...
Career Development Service shortlisted for Best University Employability Strategy
The University of Leicester has been shortlisted for a national award, Best University Employability Strategy, highlighting the pioneering work...
Leicester OnTrack to advance social mobility
Martin Perfect, Employer Relationship Manager in the Careers Service at the University of Leicester, has discussed the challenges of advancing...
University investment in research talent at the cutting edge of science
Fresh investment into postgraduate research at the University of Leicester will nurture a cohort of scientists with expert knowledge and advanced...
The notsosecret birthday party of Adrian Mole aged 50
Well, Adrian himself won’t – obviously – but some of those involved with his story over the years, and many of his keenest fans, will gather at...
Leicester experts comment on Westminster terror attack
Experts at our University have commented on the recent terrorist attack outside Westminster, which took place on Wednesday 22 March.
Expert opinions cover British Summer Time and Henry VIIIs six wives
PhD students Liz Round and Katie Bridger, from the School of History, Politics and International Relations, debate Lucy Worsley’s ‘Six Wives’...
Leicester triumph at Varsity 2017
Like many cities with more than one university, Leicester has an annual sporting contest between the two local institutions.