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Our students take part in European Central Bank QA
Students on our School of Business Intermediate Macroeconomics 2 module led by Professor Panicos Demetriades, took part in a live Twitter Question...
Space Technologies to help protect communities and the environment
Multi-million pound funding for world-class research at our University, to use space technologies to help herders in Mongolia and monitor tropical...
Successful flight for aircraft carrying Leicesters pioneering NO2 scanner
Our University has successfully carried out the flight of an aircraft equipped with pioneering space technology to measure air pollution, in...
Medical imaging technology goes under the lens
A PhD student examining how space technology can be used in healthcare has been interviewed about her work.
Observatory that will find the first galaxies that formed in the early Universe will carry instrumentation co-developed by our University
An observatory that will find the first galaxies that formed in the early Universe, connecting the Big Bang to our own Milky Way Galaxy, is one...
Expert opinions cover trust within cultures colour the Anthropocene and more
Professor Jo Brewis from our School of Business has explored the ways in which the gig economy is providing an insidious new means for women to be...
Experienced psychologist to reflect on clinical work with gender variant children and adolescents
Clinical Psychologist and Systemic Psychotherapist Dr Bernadette Wren will be delivering a public talk on the complexity of clinical work with...
Geological Society of London honour for geology professor
Jan Zalasiewicz (pictured), Professor of Palaeobiology at our School of Geography, Geology and the Environment, has been awarded the Prestwich...
Reach for the stars with Leicester at GREAT Festival of Innovation 2018
The University of Leicester will bring the wonders of the Universe to Hong Kong as part of the UK government’s GREAT Festival of Innovation, which...
Gender equality in sports governance boards to be explored by Leicester researcher
A researcher from our University will be examining gender equality in corporate governance of sport organisations as part of a funded European...