Laboratory, Mathematical and Scientific Skills 2

Module code: NT2003

The aim of the laboratory part of this module is to provide you with the skills, competencies and attitudes necessary to complete your Research Project(s) during your degree and for a future career in science in a laboratory setting.

The location and duration varies according to the practical needs of each experimental set-up, with a typical laboratory session running for 4 hours.  You are also expected to spend a small additional amount of time outside of the laboratory session finalising your analysis and write up of the experiment.

The skills component of this module is designed to support the production of assessment pieces in the core modules and to help students to develop key transferable skills for their future careers.

Topics covered

  • Advanced Laboratory skills
  • Advanced report writing
  • Scientific method and the scientific process
  • Differential equations
  • Complex numbers
  • Probability
  • Statistics
  • Vectors
  • Matrices
  • Information literacy: Engaging with research
  • Employability: Articulating skills
  • Exam technique
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