Introductory Organic Chemistry

Module code: CH1201

Organic materials and compounds all contain carbon atoms. They comprise most known chemicals, form the basis for all life on Earth and have a huge amount of commercial applications. This module will introduce you to the basic principles and theories behind organic chemistry.

Topics covered

  • How to recognise functional groups, anticipate their reactivity and interconversions, and the reagents required for these transformations
  • Identifying and explaining the relationships between isomers and conformers of organic molecules.
  • Rationalising and predicting reactivity based on curly arrow mechanisms and diagrams
  • How structure and bonding control the outcome and rate of organic reactions
  • The differences between a variety of reaction mechanisms including nucleophilic substitution, elimination reactions, reactions of alkenes, reactions of carbonyls and electrophilic aromatic substitution
  • Predicting and interpreting spectroscopic data for organic molecules whose structures are known; deduce structures of molecules using spectroscopic and analytical data
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