Leicester Cancer Research Centre

MSc in Cancer Molecular Pathology and Therapeutics

This exciting new course is designed to equip future scientists with the knowledge to make a difference in the understanding and treatment of cancer. The course will take the mechanistic understanding of cancer biology and apply it to the analysis of risk, prevention, diagnosis, prognosis and therapy. Building on a foundation of the understanding of basic cancer cell biology, translational coverage will consider design of treatment modalities, mechanisms of action of anti-cancer drugs, therapy resistance and biomarker discovery. The course will allow the students to gain expertise and knowledge in therapy, cancer chemoprevention, anti-cancer target discovery, clinical trials, imaging, cancer risk and epidemiology and biostatistics. A key component of the course is a five/six-month research project, which will give students an opportunity to study one of these areas in depth.

View our MSc in Cancer Molecular Pathology and Therapeutics course page

For further information on the MSc course, please contact:
Professor G Don Jones
Telephone: +44 (0) 116 252 1841
Email: msc.mptc@le.ac.uk

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