Jobs at the University of Leicester

Visa support and relocation

As part of our commitment to be an employer of choice with an international reach, we are pleased to announce that the University of Leicester is able to reimburse the cost of visa applications for employees on Skilled Worker or Global Talent visas. The ability to attract, retain and develop the best people is central to our University strategy and we wish to support our international staff coming to and working in the UK by providing financial assistance with the cost of immigrating to the UK. This links to our vision to become a truly inclusive University, welcoming the best talent from around the world to live, work and grow as Citizens of Change.

We are also a licensed sponsor under the Home Office points-based immigration system. There is more information about visas on the UK Government webpages.


Joining a new place of work is an exciting time, but it can also be a busy one - especially if you need to relocate. We would like to help make your transition as smooth as possible.

For new staff accepting a position at Grade 6 or above, on a contract that is either permanent or fixed-term for two years or more, we can offer financial assistance with the following costs:

  • Removal of furniture and other items
  • Legal and estate agent fees
  • Travel to your new home
  • Other reasonable expenses incurred as part of your move

If you are moving within the UK, you may apply for assistance up to the equivalent of one twelfth of your annual gross salary up to a maximum of £8,000. If you are living abroad at the time of your appointment, a maximum entitlement will be determined by the Director of Finance. 

We may also be able to support your move in other ways. Please take a look at our information for staff moving to Leicester (PDF, 225kb) for further details.

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