Insular Manuscripts
Insular Manuscripts
Funded by The Leverhulme Trust, the project “Insular Manuscripts AD 650–850: Networks of Knowledge” initiates research to advance the understanding of the impact of Britain and Ireland on book production and knowledge exchange in early medieval Europe.
This project enables a step-change in scholarship on cultural networks in medieval Europe by facilitating research with academics, curators, and digital specialists, exploring how new research tools (print and digital) can help us challenge assumptions, map our data, and change the way that investigate our material.
It aims to develop a new research agenda by bringing together scholars of early medieval history and manuscript studies, with practitioners expert in network analysis and digital technologies, as well as collection curators. The project collaborated closely with the 2018/19 blockbuster British Library exhibition, Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms: Art, Word, War.
Leverhulme Trust International Network (2016-2019): IN–2016–029