School of Criminology

Making diversity visible

Who are we?

Within the School of Criminology we are proud of our differences and the hurdles some have overcome. Below are quotes from staff members on what makes each of us diverse.

  Name  Life Experience 
Dr Chris Allen  Dr Chris Allen "My mum was a single parent teenager" 
Dr Asmahan Msuya Dr Asmahan Msuya "I am a global citizen, a proud mother, and holder of 6 degrees, striving for equality, fairness and justice for all"
Dr Tammy Ayres
Dr Tammy Ayres "I'm proud of my mixed cultural heritage" 
Monika Baylis  Monika Baylis "Gained another degree in Criminology when bringing up two young children and working full time
Dr Kofi Boakye
Dr Kofi Boakye "I am the first Black Gates Cambridge Scholar in Criminology" 
Professor Neil Chakraborti  Professor Neil Chakraborti "I'm proud to have been the first Head of Criminology from a minority background" 
Dr Amy Clarke  Dr Amy Clarke "I was the first in my family to go to University"
Wilma Coleman  Wilma Coleman  "I studied for a management diploma whilst working full-time and bringing up children"
Dr Mark Connor  Dr Mark Connor "I came out at 15"
Tracey Dodman
Tracey Dodman "I got into University with one A-Level"
Dr Ben Ellis  Dr Ben Ellis "I had a dyslexia test whilst doing my third degree - it had never been picked up before"
Dr Gina Fox  Dr Gina Fox "I left Ireland to pursue an academic career" 
Dr Matt Hopkins  Dr Matt Hopkins

"Gujarati is more likely to be spoken than English in my family"

Dr Rachel Keighley
Dr Rachel Keighley  "I am a queer woman with anxiety"
Dr Di Levine
Dr Di Levine "I'm an immigrant, and the child and grandchild of refugees"
Laura Nevay  Laura Nevay "I am studying part-time for a degree whilst working full-time within Criminology with a hidden disability"
Dr Michelle O'Reilly Dr Michelle O'Reilly "I have an autistic brother who has shaped my thinking and informed my research"
Dr Bishnu Pariyar Dr Bishnu Pariyar "I am proud to be the first from the Nepalese Dalit (so-called untouchable caste) to be working at the University of Leicester"
Professor Teela Sanders  Professor Teela Sanders "I've worked in the sex work industry as a researcher for over 20 years"

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