Human Resource Management BA
As organisations are becoming increasingly complex, the role of human resource management has never been more vital. In this degree, you’ll study the factors that shape the way people work, and the skills you’ll need to become a great manager... -
Accounting and Finance BSc
Accounting and finance go together like money and banks. And studying them side-by-side will give you the skills and experience to work in areas such as professional accountancy, investment banking and financial management... -
Mathematics and Actuarial Science BSc
Risk and uncertainty are where actuaries shine – drawing on their mathematical skills to help businesses and organisation make better financial decisions. It can be a high-stakes role, but we’ll give you the confidence to carve out an exciting career... -
Economics BSc
What are the factors that determine income, wealth and well-being? How do economic policies impact the world around us? Economic issues capture our attention on a daily basis. This degree lets you study them in detail and, along the way, learn how to apply your skills to real-world issues... -
Film Studies BA
For the film buffs with an eye for the critical. In this degree, you’ll learn how to analyse, talk about and appreciate films. You’ll also look at the role cinema plays in different societies and cultures, and its lasting impact on the modern world... -
General Engineering MEng
To solve engineering problems in the real world, you need the right qualifications. While this General Engineering degree gives you a solid grounding across disciplines, it’s also your best route towards becoming a Chartered Engineer (CEng)... -
General Engineering BEng
From prosthetic limbs to exploratory spacecraft, engineers design and build extraordinary machines, products and systems. But doing so often takes more than specialist expertise. In this general engineering degree, you’ll take a multidisciplinary approach and will personalise your course by choosing the areas that fascinate you most... -
Aerospace Engineering MEng
With advances in technology and design, aircraft engineering is always evolving. In theory and practice, this aerospace engineering degree will help you tackle these challenges, while also setting you up to become a Chartered Engineer (CEng)... -
Aerospace Engineering BEng
We’ve come a long way since the Wright Brothers. But in an area as innovative as aerospace engineering, the sky truly is the limit. From flight dynamics to aero-engine design, you’ll learn what it takes to make your mark in this exciting field... -
Modern Languages and Translation BA
Combine the in-depth study of a foreign language and its culture with the acquisition of advanced skills in translation. Please note that this degree can be studied as a 75/25 split (two languages plus translation) or as a 50/50 split (one language plus translation) but the title/UCAS code remain the same for both. We are in the process of updating the course structure provided below...