English Language Teaching Unit

ADEL028 Academic Reading Module

Improve your critical reading skills for postgraduate study if you are doing MS7083 Theories of Globalisation and New Media  

ADEL028 Academic Reading Module is a non-credit optional critical reading module designed to support PG Globalisation students doing MS7083 Theories of Globalisation and New Media.

Course description

Since critical reading is one of the most challenging aspects of studying in an English speaking University. The aim of ADEL028 Academic Reading Module is to increase students’ engagement with academic texts chosen for their MS783 module. In each session, students will explore one text chosen from their reading list and develop the following skills:

  • Understanding features of selected academic genres and rhetorical devices
  • Extracting essential / relevant information such as theories, concepts, perspectives and factual information
  • Contextualising selected information
  • Making connections with other readings 

The overall outcome is an increased engagement with the module content, which should make the lectures and seminars more accessible for students as well as ensure an effective use of sources in their written assignments. The reading skills learnt on the module are transferable to other modules as well.

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