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University of Leicester partners with local Violence Reduction Network and Home Office to tackle violent crime
Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Violence Reduction Network, in partnership with the University of Leicester and the Home Office, will...
University of Leicester commissioned to undertake pioneering research into rural racism by Leverhulme Trust
University of Leicester experts have been commissioned by The Leverhulme Trust to develop a ground-breaking study on racism in rural England.
Experts to debate impact of the Prevent strategy at University of Leicester
Experts on hate extremism and the policymaking designed to tackle it are to convene for a University of Leicester public event, to debate the...
School of Criminology launches new podcast to tackle hate crime
A new podcast series created by the University of Leicester’s Centre for Hate Studies takes a deep dive into the causes behind hate online and...
Criminology student selected for Leicester Tigers 2022/23 squad
A student who came late to the game of rugby has been selected to play for Leicester Tigers.
Ground-breaking view of the cosmos revealed at Space Park Leicester
Astounding images telling the story of a hidden universe through every phase of its cosmic history have been revealed for the first time at Space...
New project to collect evidence of modern slavery among adult websites
Adult service websites and their users have a key role to play in preventing modern slavery, according to a leading criminologist from the...
Leicester historians guest edit Centenary journal edition
Leading historians from the University of Leicester have guest edited a special Centenary issue of the prestigious Howard Journal of Crime and...
Drugs legislation requires review, says academic
The main piece of legislation used to combat illegal drug use in the UK is no longer fit for purpose, according to a leading criminologist at the...
Two new Heads of School announced
Two new Heads of School have been appointed within the University of Leicester’s College of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities (CSSAH).