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Two Leicester professors join prestigious Academy of Medical Sciences Fellowship
The Academy of Medical Sciences has elected Leicester’s Professor Chris Brightling and Professor Rodrigo Quian Quiroga to their esteemed...
New clues about why non-smokers, as well as smokers, develop chronic lung disease revealed
Researchers reveal findings that explain why some people who have never smoked develop chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Asthma pill targets airway muscles to decrease attacks
Results from a phase II clinical trial, experimental work on cells and computational modelling have together shown why the first pill for asthma...
New targeted oral treatments for severe asthma to be studied
A £2.
Colourful craters and insights into Mercury’s mysterious surface showcased by Leicester scientists
University of Leicester researchers involved in upcoming BepiColombo mission to Mercury will be presenting at New Scientist Live 2018.
A breath of fresh air at health fair
The Health Matters community engagement team is supporting an event to help members of the public keep their lungs healthy.