Europe as a Global Actor

Module code: PL7596

In this module you'll develop a critical understanding of Europe’s 'actorness' on the global stage. You'll engage with theoretical debates regarding the EU’s external relations, particularly in terms of Ian Manners and the concept of normative power. You'll then examine the role of key institutions in the development of European policies towards strategic partners, notably the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the European Commission.

The module also looks at EU relations with key global players - including Russia, China, India and the USA - and assesses European ties with developing countries in the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) bloc. In particular you'll explore trade agendas, aid initiatives, environmental issues and human rights, among a number of other policy areas covered by European actors in their relations with the ‘external’.

Finally, you'll investigate the economic and political factors that have historically underwritten EU engagements abroad, and the policy documents that have defined external policies, including the European Consensus on Development and the Global Europe strategy.

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