Botanic Garden and Attenborough Arboretum

Nature inspired birthday parties

Available themes

Choose your unforgettable adventure!

Forest Party with Bear Huffs  

Join Bear for a fantastic forest escapade! Explore the wonders of woodland wildlife and plant life in this enchanting party theme.

Stripy Flower Training with Madam Buzz

Discover the world of bees and flowers with Madam Buzz! Perfect for inquisitive young minds, this party is a fun-filled exploration of our buzzing friends and the colourful flowers they love.

Ant Architects Adventure: Den Building Party

Step into a world where innovation meets teamwork in the Ant Architects Adventure. This unique, hands-on building experience draws inspiration from the ingenuity of ants, allowing participants to create structures that are a testament to creativity and resourcefulness. From intricate underground labyrinths to towering ant castles, let your imagination soar as you design the ultimate ant dwelling. Construct not just ant houses, but lasting memories!

Menagerie Marine with Captain Barracuda 

Dive into an underwater adventure with Captain Barracuda! Learn about the fascinating creatures of the deep in this exciting marine-themed party.

Nature's Palette Art Party with Colour Wizard Wren

Unleash your inner artist with Colour Wizard Wren in this vibrant T-shirt dyeing workshop! Explore the magic of natural dyes derived from plants, fruits, and spices. This hands-on workshop allows participants to learn about the rich colours nature can provide while creating their own uniquely dyed T-shirt. Discover the eco-friendly art of transforming plain shirts into beautiful, wearable art using techniques that date back centuries. Bring your creativity and leave with a masterpiece that not only looks great but tells the colourful story of nature's hues. Perfect for craft lovers and eco-conscious explorers alike!


  • Timing: 90 minutes of party time with 45 minutes of fun, nature-themed party games
  • Availability: Saturdays and Sundays 11.00am–12.30pm, 1.00pm–2.30pm, 3.00pm–4.30pm
  • Numbers: Minimum number of children is 12 and maximum is 20
  • Cost: £9.75 per child
  • Food: Bring your own food and snacks
  • To book contact: / 07425 867969

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