Library and Learning Services


Capital IQ

See S&P Capital IQ

CESifoWorking Papers
Paper from the Centre for Economic Studies and Institute for Economic Research.

Chicago Tribune
Complete archive of the Chicago Tribune (Chicago, Illinois, USA) newspaper from 1849 to 2011, covering Chicago and the Great Lakes region. An additional year of content is added annually, so the end date is normally 11 years pre-current.

CINAHL (Cumulated Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature)
An index of 3825 journals in nursing, midwifery, physiotherapy, operating department practice, radiography, health promotion and health librarianship, and other areas of healthcare.

Clinical Key Physician (Medicine)
ClinicalKey is a collection of textbooks and journals in medicine, health and the life sciences [login using instructions in LibAnswers FAQs].

Clinical Key Student Nursing and Midwifery
ClinicalKey is a collection of textbooks in nursing and midwifery [login using instructions in LibAnswers FAQs].

The Cochrane Library
Full text of Cochrane systematic reviews, and database of clinical trials. Access from the UK only.

Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law
The Collected Courses /Recueil des Cours is a series of monographs on public and private international law, based on lectures and seminars given in courses held at The Hague Academy of International Law since 1923 [published in English or French - not translated]. 

Colonial State Papers
Primary sources on British colonial history from the 16th to 18th centuries; including The National Archives’ Collection CO1: Privy Council and related bodies: America and West Indies, Colonial Papers; and The Calendar of State Papers, Colonial: North America and the West Indies 1574-1739.

Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text
Criminology and criminal justice research database. It provides full-text access or abstracts for journals and magazines specialising in forensic sciences, policing, criminal law, and investigation.

Current Digest of the Russian Press
Collection of translated Russian language press materials (newspapers) from 1949 to modern times, formerly known as Current Digest of Soviet and Post-Soviet Press.

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