College of Science and Engineering


We provide you with a lot of support, both in your placement search and during your placement. This includes:

  • Bespoke extra-curricular support to aid you in searching for suitable placement opportunities, and undertaking the recruitment and selection process.
  • Full access to our award-winning Careers and Employability Service, including 1-1 advice and drop-ins.
  • Regular opportunities to engage with placement employers at networking events, including our Festival of Careers.
  • On placement support and guidance, including a placement supervisor who will visit you on placement and support your development.

In the videos below, two of our placement students explain how we assisted them in securing a placement, as well as the ongoing support we have provided. They outline the importance of our award winning Careers and Employability Service throughout the whole process of applying and securing a placement, as well as the significance of their personal tutors and lectures.

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