Research Centre for Museums and Galleries (RCMG)

Researching Learning in Museums and Galleries 1990-1999


When RCMG was launched in January 1999 it was evident that there was no readily available overview of the educational role, function and potential of museums and galleries. At the start of a new research centre, it seemed appropriate to review what was already known about the field.

Aims and objectives

The intention of Researching Learning in Museums and Galleries was to:

  • Find out what was already known about learning in museums and galleries
  • Assess the theoretical approaches taken to carrying out the research on learning
  • Identify the locations and types of museums in which most of the work has been carried out

The review places learning in museums and galleries in the context of influential learning theories, identifies the location and range of research into museum-based learning and discusses research produced between 1990-1999 and written in English. Since 2001, when this report was published, the educational role of museums and galleries has gone on to become a major area of interest.


Researching Learning in Museums and Galleries 1990-1999: A Bibliographic Review (Report, 2001) (PDF, 202kb)

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