School of Business


Fatouh, M., Markose, S. and Giansante, S. The impact of quantitative easing on UK bank lending: Why banks do not lend to businesses? Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 183, 928-953

Fatouh, M., Giansante, S. and Ongena, S. Economic support during the COVID crisis.  Quantitative easing and lending support schemes in the UK.  Economics Letters, 209, 110138

Omar, A., Lambe, B., and Wisiniewski, T. Perceptions of the threat to national security and the stock market.  Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 186, 504 – 522

Nguyen, L.H., Nguyen, L.X. and Tan, L. Tail risk connectedness between US industries.  International Journal of Finance & Economics  26(3), 3624-3650

Ausloos, M. and Herteliu, C. Statistical analysis of the membership management indicators of the Church of England UK dioceses during the recent (XXth Century) “Decade of Evangelism”.  Stats 4(4), 1069-1079

Herteliu,  C., Jianu, I., Jianu, I., Bobb, V.C., Dhesi, G., Ceptureanu, S.I., Ceptureanu, E.G. and Ausloos, M. Money's importance from the religious perspective.  Annals of Operations Research 299(1), 375-399

Spurr, A. and Ausloos, M. Challenging practical features of bitcoin by the main altcoins.  Quality and Quantity 55, 1541-1559

Bowes, J. and Ausloos, M. Financial Risk and Better Returns through Smart Beta Exchange Traded Funds?  Journal of Risk and Financial Management 14, 283.

Vinte, C., Ausloos, M. and Furtuna, T.F. A. Volatility estimator of stock market indices based on the intrinsic entropy model.  Entropy 23, 484.

Ausloos, M., Ficcadenti, V., Dhesi, G. and Shakeel, M. Benford's laws tests on S&P500 daily closing values and the daily log-returns point to huge non-conformity, Physica A 574, 125969

Kyere, M. and Ausloos, M. Corporate governance and firms’ financial performance in the United Kingdom.  International Journal of Finance and Economics 26, 1871-1885.

Dhesi, G., Shakeel, B. and Ausloos, M. Modelling and forecasting the kurtosis and returns distributions of financial markets: Irrational fractional Brownian motion model approach, Annals of Operations Research 2999(1), 1397-1410

Zhang, Y. and Ausloos, M. Financial pre-factors for post-performance of cross-border mergers & acquisitions.  Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies 19, 147-161.

Ferdous, L. T., Withanalage, N. P., Zaman, A. A. Q. (2021). Review of short-run performance of initial public offerings in Australia.  Corporate Ownership & Control, 18(2), 188-200.

Mia, P., Rana, T., Ferdous, L.T., (2021) “Government reform, regulatory change and carbon disclosure: Evidence from Australia, Sustainability, 13 (23), 1-17

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