
Dr Michelle Harrison

Lecturer in French & Francophone Studies

School/Department: Arts, School of



I have worked as a Lecturer (and formerly as Teaching Fellow) in Modern Languages at the University of Leicester since 2013, after completing my BA, MA and PhD at the University of Liverpool. I coordinate and teach a range of language acquisition and cultural studies modules in French & Francophone Studies at all undergraduate levels. I also teach and assist in the supervision of Translation Studies students at undergraduate and MA levels.  

My primary field of research is sociolinguistics. The specific case of Alsace was at the centre of my doctoral research, but I approached this in the context of the languages of France, and I have a broader interest in French national language policy, language policy regarding regional and minority languages, and language-in-education policy. My most recent research publication focused on the place of Gujarati in the linguistic landscape of Leicester's Golden Mile, which was completed as part of project connected to the the MEITS (Multilingualism: Empowering Individuals, Transforming Societies) major interdisciplinary research project.

My current administrative roles include Section Coordinator for French & Francophone Studies, School of Arts Director of Student Staff Committees, and Language Coordinator with my colleague Maria Guarnieri. In addition to this, with my colleague Dr Emma Staniland, I work on student support in Modern Languages and together we run a programme of events throughout the year.


My research interests focus on sociolinguistics, in particular language policy, language-in-education policy, regional and minority languages, and the linguistic landscape. I have also undertaken research on the Internet as a space to discuss language ideologies. My research has been published in journals and edited volumes, including the volume that I co-edited with Dr Aurélie Joubert French Language Policies and the Revitalization of Regional Languages in the 21st Century (Palgrave, 2019).


Harrison, M. A. (2021). 'Multilingualism in the model multicultural city: The influence of authors in Leicester’s Golden Mile', in Blackwood, R. and Dunlevy, D. A. (eds.), Multilingualism in Public Spaces: Empowering and Transforming Communities. London: Bloomsbury pp. 195–222.

Harrison, M. A. and Joubert, A. (eds.) (2019) French Language Policies and the Revitalisation of Regional Languages in the 21st Century. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Harrison, M. A. and Joubert, A. (2019). 'Introduction: Shifting dynamics in French language policies', in Harrison, M. A. and Joubert, A. (eds.), French language policies and the revitalisation of regional languages in the 21st century. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1–34.

Harrison, M. A. (2019) 'The influence of teachers’ language attitudes on classroom practices in Alsace', in: French language policies and the revitalisation of regional languages in the 21st century. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 287–308.

Harrison, M. A. (2016). ‘Alsatian versus Standard German: Regional language bilingual primary education in Alsace’, Multilingua, 35 (3), pp. 277–303.

Harrison, M. A. (2012). ‘A century of changing language beliefs in Alsace’, Modern & Contemporary France, 20 (3), pp. 357–374.


I coordinate and teach a wide range of language acquisition and cultural studies modules in French & Francophone Studies at all undergraduate levels. I also teach and assist in the supervision of Translation Studies students at undergraduate and MA levels.  

Modules that I will coordinate and teach in 2023/24:

FR1020 French Language Beginner I

FR1021 French Language Beginner II

FR1050 Introduction to French Studies

ML1006 Language and Society

FR2032 Introduction to French Linguistics

FR3111 French Language Proficiency

I also teach and supervise the practical translation elements of the modules TS3003 Advanced Translation and TS3006 Extended Translation.



In 2023, with my colleague Emma Staniland, I was nominated for a Citizen's Award in the category Student Experience Champion. In 2021, I was nominated for the same award in the category Above and beyond during Covid with my colleague Maria Guarnieri.

In 2019, I was part of the Modern Languages team awarded a Discovering Excellence Award for Teaching Team of the Year.

In 2018, I was awarded a University Distinguished Teaching Fellowship in recognition of my work to enhance the learning experience of Modern Languages students. The accompanying statement read: "In recognition of her commitment to inclusion and diversity and the ability to create an excellent rapport with students from varied backgrounds. Michelle has made important and influential contributions to the whole student journey through initiatives designed to support learning and enhance the student experience."

In 2014, I was awarded a Widening Participation Award for my work on Outreach/Widening Participation with my colleague Maria Guarnieri.

I have also been privileged to receive several Superstar Awards from the University of Leicester Students' Union in recognition of excellence in teaching and student support.


In 2016, I co-organised the conference 'Regional Languages of France' at the University of Leicester.

I have presented my research at a number of international conferences, including the Sociolinguistics Symposium and the World Congress of Applied Linguistics.


BA French & German (University of Liverpool)

MA French Studies (University of Liverpool)

PhD French Studies (University of Liverpool)

I achieved my Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy status in 2012 and my Fellow status in 2016


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