
Dr Marcel Ausloos


School/Department: Business School of

Telephone: +44 (0)116 223 1624



I am a Belgian engineer (U. Liege 1967). I turned toward theoretical studies of materials and condensed matter (M.Sc. Brown U. 1970) and toward statistical physics (PhD Temple U. 1973). I have been applying statistical physics ideas and methods in various fields encompassing biophysics financial and econo-physics meteorology linguistics socio-physics and many other non-equilibrium time-dependent systems beside pursuing investigations on condensed matter e.g. on liquids alloys magnets ceramics or superconductors. I have a widely open interest in interdisciplinary research. After some visiting professorship at the Freie Univ. Berlin I returned to the University of Liege where I spent my whole career teaching and performing research on materials and in statistical physics. I founded the SUPRAS ""horizontal"" group of scientists belonging to various ULG laboratories (physics chemistry engineering) with fundamental or applied science interests on ceramics superconductors and magnetic materials. I initiated the GRASP reformed to become GRAPES (Group of Researchers for Applications of Physics in Economy and Sociology). Since Nov. 2014 I am part-time at the ULSB.


I have contributed greatly to statistical mechanics through studying phase transitions growth (and decay) models in disordered systems which can be described along fractal and multi-fractal ideas. I have been much interested in describing non-linear and out-of-equilibrium phenomena through mathematical formalisms and simulation works. Recently I worked on scientometrics and linguistics. I'm also a collaborator of the Global Burden of Disease network. My work in econophysics and sociophysics is widely respected. I have more than 600 publications in peer review journals and as peer review published communications at scientific meetings with more than 300 different coauthors; I have edited 9 books co-organised many international conferences directed many graduate student theses presented many scientific contributions at meetings or gave seminars and taught in many ""summer/winter schools"". I am or have been a member of the editorial board of various journals and often chosen as a reviewer. My Hirsch index is greater than 60. I have been an expert for various financially granting bodies in Europe and USA and recognized through several honoring distinctions.


Global, Regional, and National Cancer Incidence, Mortality, Years of Life Lost, Years Lived With Disability, and Disability-Adjusted Life-Years for 29 Cancer Groups, 1990 to 2015: a systematic analysis for the global burden of disease study, Ch Fitzmaurice and GBDC Collaborators, JAMA Oncology 5 (12), 1749-1768 (2018)

Global burden of 87 risk factors in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019, CJL Murray and GBD collaborators, The Lancet 396 (10258), 1223-1249 (2020)

Absorption spectrum of clusters of spheres from the general solution of Maxwell's equations. II. Optical properties of aggregated metal spheres, JM Gérardy, M Ausloos, Physical Review B 25 (6), 4204-4229 (1982)

Coherent and random sequences in financial fluctuations, N Vandewalle, M Ausloos, Physica A  246 (3-4), 454-459 (1997)

A multivariate Weierstrass-Mandelbrot function, M Ausloos, DH Berman, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A 400 (1819) 331-350 (1985)

Charge-and spin-density waves in existing superconductors: competition between Cooper pairing and Peierls or excitonic instabilities, AM Gabovich, AI Voitenko, M Ausloos, Physics Reports 367 (6), 583-709 (2002)

Application of the detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) method for describing cloud breaking, K Ivanova, M Ausloos, Physica A  274 (1-2), 349-354 (1999)

Statistical physics in foreign exchange currency and stock markets, M Ausloos, Physica A 285 (1-2), 48-65 (2000)

Collaborative tagging as a tripartite network, R Lambiotte, M Ausloos, International Conference on Computational Science, 192, 1114-1117 (2006)

Thermodynamic fluctuations in the superconductor YBaCuO: Evidence for two-dimensional superconductivity, M Ausloos, C Laurent, Physical Review B 37 (1),  611-614 (1988)

Multi-affine analysis of typical currency exchange rates, N Vandewalle, M Ausloos, European Physical Journal B 4, 257-261 (1998)


I am especially interested in supervising empirical research on behavioral finance macroeconomy and microeconomy market microstructure banking theory using numerical or/and computational approach. I have a widely open interest in interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research.


EC7110 Dissertation

MN3101 Dissertation

Press and media

fractals phase transitions non-equilibrium systems statistical physics econophysics sociophysics scientometrics interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research


IoP ex-Ch. Phys. Fellow Institute of Physics UK

IUPAP Commission C5 ""Low Temperature Physics"" Member 1993 - 99

ex-Chairman of Committee on ""Applications of Physics to Financial Analysis"" Statistical and Nonlinear Physics Division European Physical Society

past-Member of Materials Research Society Public Outreach Subcommittee

past-Member of the European Physical Society Board of the ''Nonlinear and Statistical Physics Division''; past-secretary

Member of Editorial Advisory Board of Physica A ISSN: 0378-4371

Member of Editorial Advisory Board of Entropy ISSN : 1099-4300

Member of Editorial Advisory Board of Sustainability ISSN: 2071-1050

Member of Editorial Advisory Board of Stats ISSN 2571-905X Co-Editor-in-Chief of DeGruyter OPEN Statistics ISSN 2657-3601

Editor-in-chief of Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods ISSN 1842-4562 


. Doctorate Honoris Causa of Université de Houte-si-Plou (2003)

· Diploma of Honor of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Bulgaria 2004)

· Gold Medal of the University of Wroclaw Wroclaw (Poland 2005)

· Chevalier de l'Ordre de Léopold II (Belgium 2008)


Node leader for Academia de Studii Economice Bucharest Romania ”ÎnÅ£elegerea ÅŸi modelarea structurilor spaÅ£io-temporale ale inegalităţilor ÅŸi polarizării în relaÅ£ie cu caracteristicile psihologice STIP” PN-III-P4-ID-PCCF-2016-0084 (2018-2022)

Management Committee of COST Action IS1104: “The EU in the new complex geography of economic systems: models tools and policy evaluation” (2012-16)

Management Committee of COST Action IC1205: “Computational Social Choice’’ (2012-16)

Management Committee of COST Action TD1210: “Analyzing the dynamics of information and knowledge landscapes” (2013-17)

Management Committee of COST Action CA15221 ""Advancing effective institutional models towards cohesive teaching learning research and writing development."" (2016 -20) 


Partner in CA of FP6 program on Complexity : GIACS (2005-09)

Partner in STREP FP6 program on Complexity : CREEN (2005-08)

Partner in STREP FP6 program on Complexity : E2C2 (2005-08)

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