Historian in TV series

Dr Michael Lynch (pictured), Honorary Fellow in our School History, Politics & International Relations, has been involved in a number of TV series on modern history in recent years.

Since 2013, Dr Lynch has appeared in:

  • Raiders of the Lost Past (episode on Himmler’s pursuit of the Holy Grail) 2013
  • Rise of the Nazi Party: 10-part series on Hitler’s rise to power) (2014)
  • Evolution of Evil: 10-part series on 20th-century dictators, e.g., Hitler, Tojo, Mao, Stalin (2015)
  • Hitler’s Circle: 10-part series on the leading Nazis, e.g., Goering, Himmler, Goebbels, Ribbentrop, Hess (2016)
  • The Nazi Invasion: 10-part series on Nazi expansionism (2017)
  • Nazi Propaganda: 3-part series on Nazi propaganda techniques (to be shown in 2018)

The series have been shown in UK on such channels as Yesterday, Discovery, History Channel and distributed in USA, Australia and Germany

Dr Lynch said: “The TV companies’ interest was aroused by two biographies of mine Hitler (2013), Mao (2017) and by a film that went on line of a lecture on Hitler I gave in 2012 at the University of Melbourne.”

In the past few months alone, Dr Lynch has been approached by two more TV production companies seeking his contribution to narratives on modern history.