Centre for Consumer and Essential Services

Research and consultancy

Current projects

Needs of vulnerable consumers who face multiple barriers

Given the essential nature of energy services for peoples' health, safety and well-being, it is vitally important that they are easily able to access information, advice, and assistance to ensure that their needs are met regarding these services. There is, however, evidence that many people in vulnerable circumstances face multiple barriers and that the responses of policy-makers and suppliers inadequately reflect the varied nature of people's needs. This project aims to present a reliable account of the nature and range of needs of people in vulnerable circumstances, and about the barriers to obtaining information, advice and assistance in dealing with energy suppliers and in obtaining help with other relevant services. A key objective is to achieve a better understanding of consumer vulnerability, and to make practical recommendations to help improve policies and practices. It is funded by the Eaga Charitable Trust.

General information on research and consultancy

The Centre is able to provide expert research and consultancy services to external clients on a contract basis. We have extensive expertise and experience relating to UK and EU policy-making processes, legal and regulatory frameworks, consumer disadvantage and consumer policy across a range of sectors providing essential services both in the public and private spheres. Please contact us to explore possible project work or collaboration.

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