American Studies at Leicester

Year abroad

Our four-year degree allows you to experience North America first-hand by spending your third year studying in the United States or Canada.

We have numerous exchange partners, from large state institutions to smaller private universities. Browse the full list of our partner organisations.

My year abroad in Florida was an incredible experience and I was able to study classes I had never considered before. I've definitely gained a more open and worldly perspective thanks to both my year abroad and my degree in general.


Miami is an incredible place to go for a year. I have so many memories and have made so many friends from around the world. It is well worth the costs and will greatly expand your views on America, helping you immensely when you come back to Leicester to finish your studies.

Will (University of Miami)

I look back on my year at LSU with great fondness. Make sure to throw yourself into university life – it really does pay to get involved with people. Make friends with Americans as well as the international crowd and you will get the most of your time away. Good luck with your year abroad and I hope you have as much fun as I did.

Chris (Louisiana State University)

In Miami there were a large number of courses that facilitated my needs. All the expectations I had were not only met but were exceeded. I truly believe the year abroad was something that cannot be matched: I made a lot of friends, experienced a whole new culture, and grew independently as a person.

Alana (University of Miami)

My expectations were definitely fulfilled by the year abroad. I met some amazing people who I hope to stay in contact with forever. I travelled to New York, Washington DC and San Francisco which was easier and cheaper than travelling from England and I studied subjects I have not been able to before and from a different perspective. I believe the year abroad is an integral part of the degree.

Hannah (Illinois State University)

I shared an apartment with another Leicester student - we went together and were already good friends. History courses in Arizona were really interesting. I took one on Arizona specifically and a number on Native Americans, which really helped to broaden my understanding of the South West and my dissertation topic on the Hopis.

Lucy (Arizona State University)

My year in Buffalo was amazing, I met so many people, and made so many friends I'm still in contact with. The University was incredibly helpful and welcoming to foreign students. Halls were small but lively, full of both international students and American students. The literature courses were fascinating - the tutor really reached out and made sure that international students were involved and understood all aspects of the class.

Sarah (State University of New York at Buffalo)

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