School of Criminology

Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity

Within the School of Criminology we support Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI) principles, initiatives and share continual commitment to improve in these areas through discussion and data collection. Many of our core research themes deal directly with communities with protected characteristics (such as victims of hate crime, LGBTQ groups, female offenders, persons with disabilities, domestic and sexual violence survivors, disproportionate policing). As such, the School understands that EDI is always a work in process and some structures of inequality require more than EDI can deliver. This deep recognition of the importance of EDI to fairness and equity and the need to go further than EDI strategies themselves is foundational in all our research and teaching endeavours.

The School of Criminology's public engagement activities centre on EDI issues (for instance Scarman lectures in 2019 focused on BAME and Education, in 2020 Policing, Race and Criminology). Our decisions around staffing needs and representation build on the importance to reflect diversity, recognising the importance of representation to both our student base and that of the participants with whom we research. As such, our staffing is balanced in terms of 50/50 gender split, and we currently have 27% of staff from BAME heritage; and 2/3 professors are women and one is a male of BAME heritage.

Based off our achievement in the context of equitable staff representation around gender the School will be developing specific strands of EDI to action moving forward, specifically around Gender, BAME representation, and disabilities and accessibility. 

For more information on what the School is doing with regards to Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity please click on the links below:

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