University of Leicester campus map
Photographs of the George Porter Building
Photographs of the Engineering Building
Photographs of the Computer centre and Materials centre
Photographs of the Danielle Brown sports Centre
Photographs of the Fielding Johnson Building
Photographs of the Astley Clarke Building
Photographs of the Attenborough Arts centre
Photographs of the Henry Wellcome Building
Photographs of the Ken Edwards Building
Photographs of the Percy Gee
Photographs of the Charles Wilson Building
Photographs of the Kathleen Kenyon Building
Photographs of the Physics and Astronomy Building
Photographs of the chaplaincy
Photographs of the Bennett Building
Photographs of the George Davies Centre
Photographs of the Adrian Building
Photographs of the College House
Photographs of the David Wilson library
Photographs of the Attenborough tower
Photographs of the Attenborough seminar block
Photographs of the Maurice Shock Building
Photographs of the Rattray Building
Photographs of the Museum studies Building
Photographs of the Brookfield house
Photographs of Space Park Leicester
David Wilson library
Students' Union
Geroge Davies Centre
Engineering building
Preclinical Research Facility