Postgraduate research


As learners and professionals, Postgraduate Researchers (PGRs) have access to both student and staff support services at the University.

If your concern relates to your research or studies, Student Support Services should be your first port of call. If you are employed by the University, the Staff Health and Wellbeing Service can help with concerns relating to your role. Distance Learner PGRs can access a range of support offered. Contact a service for further information.

Our research community

We recognise that a sense of belonging is a key part of the research student experience. Postgraduates make up nearly 50% of our total student population - reflecting the central place held by postgraduate education within the University's mission. In total our research student community has some 2,200 members with research students based across the University's three Colleges and representing a huge range of research disciplines.

An international research community

Our reputation is global. Leicester is ranked in the top 2% of universities in the world by the QS World University Rankings and in the top 1% in THE World University Rankings - so it's no surprise that so many research students from outside the UK choose to come here.

Around 40% of our full-time campus-based research students come from outside the European Union and we have significant numbers of research students from China, India, Iraq/Kurdistan, Malaysia, Nigeria, North Africa, Pakistan, Taiwan, the USA, and Saudi Arabia. And our distance learning research students are based all around the world.

Fellow research students

Of course, your fellow research students will also provide a personal support network. Departmental events such as seminars and group presentations will help you to stay in touch with other research students, post-doctoral researchers, and research and academic staff in your discipline. The Graduate School also hosts events such as Café Research. The Library organises a doctoral writing forum which gives you the chance to get feedback on your writing from your peers and talk informally with other research students.

Students’ Union societies

For those who want to meet students and postgraduates with similar interests, the Students' Union has over 200 student groups with interests from cooking, to sports, to politics. There's even a society just for students who are doing research degrees. There are also a number of international groups giving students and postgraduates the opportunity to meet with others from their country.

Supervisory support

As a major research institution our research students benefit from working with internationally recognised scholars and researchers who are at the frontiers of their disciplines.

Your supervisor

One of your main sources of support will be your supervisory team. All our research students are allocated a supervisory team. Your primary supervisor, whose research interests correlate with your own, will have primary responsibility for your supervision and will be the member of your supervisory team with whom you will have most contact. Your supervisors will provide advice and guidance throughout your project and will help you plan your progress, identify objectives for skills and career development and read through and comment on your writing outputs.

Your supervisory team will help you to:

  • Plan and manage your research
  • Broaden your knowledge of research developments in your field
  • Develop your understanding of relevant research methodology
  • Develop your broader personal and professional capabilities
  • Build your profile within the research community

Through regular consultations, your supervisor will monitor your progress, provide guidance as needed, and be your first point of contact for help and advice.

The Doctoral College

In addition to your supervisor, you’ll have access to the University's Doctoral College – the home of our research student support and the heart of our postgraduate community. The Doctoral College are responsible for induction, training and career development. There is also a Postgraduate Tutor in each School or Department who is responsible for overall monitoring of your progress and skills development and can be approached at any time should you wish to discuss any matters relating to these.

We have one of the UK's largest and most vibrant Doctoral Colleges and we take pride in the support our research students receive - in terms of becoming a part of the Leicester research community and raising their profile as a researcher within the University and beyond. 

Students' Union

Advice service

Independent of the University, the service offers confidential and impartial academic advice, housing advice and signposting.

Get in touch

Find the service

  • Reception desk, second floor, Percy Gee Building. Open weekdays, 11.00am - 3.00pm

Postgraduate Research representatives

You may also wish to engage with the Postgraduate Research Representative in your School or College. They represent the views of your cohort in relation to research, supervision and facilities and can also liaise with the Doctoral College.

Staff Health and Wellbeing Service

All PGRs have access to PAM Wellbeing and events run by the Staff Health and Wellbeing Service.

If you are employed by the University, the Staff Health and Wellbeing Service can help with concerns relating to your role.

Staff Health and Wellbeing Team

If you have an employment contract with the University, the Staff Health and Wellbeing Team can provide support for any concerns relating to your work. The team includes a Disability Adviser and the Occupational Health service. Please also inform your line manager that you require support.

Get in touch via email:

PAM Wellbeing

PAM Wellbeing is a free and confidential employee benefit offering a confidential helpline to support with personal problems that can affect your home life, work life and general wellbeing.

Learn how to use the wellbeing tool (log-in required)

Staff supporting students toolkit

If you are in a student-facing role, the toolkit provides information on dealing with concerns about a student including a list of appropriate services.

Browse the toolkit (log-in required)

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