About the University of Leicester
Court is one of the University's main external 'stakeholder' bodies. It has nearly 100 Full members, drawn primarily from outside the institution, representing a cross section of organisations and individuals who have a close interest in the workings of the University. In addition there are around 75 Associate members of Court, most of whom are drawn from amongst the University's retired professorial staff.
Court holds an Annual Meeting for its Full members - Associate members do not attend Court meetings - at which it receives a report from the President and Vice-Chancellor on the activities of the University over the previous year. Court also receives and is able to ask questions about the University's audited financial statements, as approved by the governing Council. Court is responsible for appointing the Chancellor of the University, and it does this on receipt of a recommendation from the Council and the Nominations Committee, the membership of the latter being specially augmented for the purposes of selecting a new Chancellor.
In addition to Court's formal responsibilities the University may from time to time seek support and advice on specific projects and activities where individual members are known to have particular knowledge, experience or networks that may benefit or support the work of the University.