Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)

Diversity data

Diversity data inform the University’s aims to advance equity, diversity and inclusion and enable us to track our progress against achieving these. Data about the diversity demographic of our students and staff, and their journey with us, helps us to identify and implement targeted actions to advance equity.

As a higher education provider, we also have a legal duty under the Public Sector Equality Duty (Equality Act 2010) to assess and publish information about the effects our policies and practices have on people across the protected equity groups.

To track our progress against University EDI objectives, and to meet the requirements of the Public Sector Equality Duty, we publish annual equity information reports of our student and staff demographic and lifecycle.


The staff data provided in these infographics is based on a snapshot of data captured on 1 January 2024.


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2425 female; 1918 male

Ethnicity (broad)

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Minority ethnic* 28.2%; White 65.7%; Prefer not to say 5.5%

Ethnicity (detailed)

Asian or Asian British 19.9%; Black or Black British 4.2%; White 65.7%; Other and Mixed 4.7%; Prefer not to say 5.5%


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25 and under 06.5%; 26-30 9.6%; 31-35 13.2%; 36-40 13.9%; 41-45 13.3%; 46-50 11.9%; 51-55 11.2%; 56-60 10.7%; 61-65 6.6%; 66 and over 3.1%

Sexual orientation

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LGB* 6.1%; Heterosexual 69.3%; Prefer not to say 24.6%

*LGB includes: Bisexual, Gay man, Gay woman/Lesbian, Other

Gender identification

When asked if members of staff identified with the gender they were assigned at birth:

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Yes 67.2%; No 1%; Prefer not to say 31.8%


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No disability disclosed 86.7%; disclosed a disability 8.1%; prefer not to say 5.2%

Religion or belief

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buddist 0.6%; christian 23.5%; hindu 5.6%; jewish 0.3%; muslim 6.9%; sikh 1.8%; other religion or belief 2.5%; no religion 36.5%; prefer not to say 22.3%



The student data provided in these infographics relates to all students (undergraduate and postgraduate, campus-based and distance learners) studying for a University of Leicester degree in academic year 2022/23. The population of this data excludes students that are suspended, dormant or withdrawn on 1 December 2022.


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10021 female; 9083 male


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17 and under 0.8%; 18-21 59.7%; 22-29 26.5%; 30-39 8.0%; 40-49 3.3%; 50-59 1.4%; 60-69 0.3%; 70 and over 0%

Ethnicity (broad)

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Minority ethnic* 63.2%; White 34%; Prefer not to say 2.9%

Ethnicity (detailed)

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Asian or Asian British 41.4%; Black or Black British 13.4%; White 34%; Other and Mixed 8.4%; Prefer not to say 2.9%

Sexual orientation

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LGB* 9.9%; Heterosexual 78.3%; Prefer not to say 11.7%; Not declared 0.1%

*LGB includes: Bisexual, Gay man, Gay woman/Lesbian, Other


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No disability disclosed 87.1%; disclosed a disability 11.3%; not declared 1.6%

Religion or belief

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buddist 1%; christian 24.2%; hindu 14.6%; jewish 0.2%; muslim 16.3%; sikh 5.3%; spiritual 0.9%; other religion or belief 0.8%; no religion 30.6%; not declared 6.1%

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