Inorganic Chemistry

Module code: CH2202

You will have learnt the core principles of inorganic chemistry in your first year. This module will enable you to build upon the knowledge of the chemistry of and behind the elements not based on carbon.

Topics covered

  • The methods of preparation, bonding, relative stability and reactivity of metal carbonyls, -alkyls, -carbenes, -hydrides, alkene, diene, allyl, cyclopentadienyl and benzene complexes
  • Inorganic reactions regarding the basic reaction types: substitution, oxidative addition, migratory insertion, reductive elimination, salt elimination
  • Spectroscopic (IR, NMR and Mass Spectrometry) microanalytical data and structural methods when characterising organometallic species
  • The application of concepts of chemical kinetics to inorganic chemistry
  • The importance of inorganic chemistry in catalysis and the mechanistic steps in a number of industrially important catalytic cycles
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